Friday, July 31, 2009

5:00 shadow?

Cody is USUALLY pretty well behaved. He is USUALLY the one who comes to tell me when Kyle has made a mess. He USUALLY plays with his trains nicely while I take my shower. Not the case this last week. I got Kyle on the bus and off to school. I told Code, who was quietly playing on the floor, that I was going to go take a shower. I went and took a shower...put on my make up and was about to blow dry my hair when I hear little Code scream that he needs me downstairs. Then he says "Mom, my hands are a mess". I immediately run downstairs to find the biggest shaving cream mess I have ever seen! Kyle has a bin of therapy supplies and shaving cream is one of the supplies. Cody got into it and decided to " clean". So Thank you Cody for making me enjoy motherhood a lil more!!!! ;)

I feel like these pics dont do the mess justice-I should have takin a picture of how many paper towels it took to clean up this disaster!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Ok. I would like to think I have pretty decent self esteem. I think Iam an average looking gal whos personality makes her a lil above average (if I do say so myself, and I guess I just did)! haha. BUT...the past few times I have downloaded pictures from my camera or most recently, seen pictures blasted on Facebook (for all the world to see might I add) from other peoples cameras, I have been disappointed. I find myself do i really look like that?! I swear I was a lil cuter than that! Some might think it was just the camera or maybe having a bad day or my favorite excuse to use is its THAT pose (and every pose after that one)!!! The problem is, I find that I have been having to use these excuses EVERYtime I see a picture of myself. my self image way off??? Does anyone else have the feeling of "wow I swear I look better than that" ? Tell me Im not the only one? :)

cheesy cheetos

Kyle has very few foods he will eat. Sunships, harvest cheddar was Kyle's very favorite for a long time. They are messy. His hands get this cheese residue and then he puts his messy hands on my walls, his clothes and my most favorite my face or my white shirt I stupidly decided to wear that day! One day about a year ago Jen and I were discussing how messy these chips were and what could be worse!!!! Then Jen mentioned cheetos! I then agreed that those would be the absolute WORST! Not too long after this conversation Kyle's teacher delivered the great news that Kyle had tried a new food!!! I was over joyed. I had a big grin until she told me what the new food was. You guessed it, CHEETOS. I mean why couldn't it be an apple? a chicken nugget? even another type of chips? Nope. THE messiest thing in the world. Lucky for Kyle we still love him! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bye-Bye Binkie!

Cody has had the same nasty binkie since we moved into this house, so almost 8 months. I didnt buy a new one with the intention of taking it away soon. Well, soon turned into 8 months before we knew it! The poor binkie this last month was on its last leg...the little ring thing that is on the front broke off...he still used it. It got a hole in it and I knew that was gonna do it...nope he still used it. Well, about a week ago Cody was using the restroom and in a sleepy slumber he dropped his binkie right outta his lil mouth and it landed right into the...YEP! I scooped it up and told him it was the end (actually I lied and told him we would go to the store and get a new one). He whined for only a few minutes the next 2 nights but now he is officially binkie free, and I have to admit...Im sad. This means my baby isnt a baby bottle, no diapers, and now NO binkie. Time really does fly by, they grow up so fast! Im proud of my little Cody for kickin the habit but secretly I wanna go out and buy a new one for him....dont worry I wont!
The binkie on its last leg!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mud bath anyone?

Today the boys went outside to "play". They were awfully quiet but I was enjoying it too much to go check on them. After a good 15 minutes of quiet time I decided to check and found Kyle sitting in a pile of mud and Cody with the hose! I guess boys will be boys, right?