Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What a good brother....

Ive been meaning to write this down and finally have a chance....The other morning I was laying in my bed all nice and cozy and my alarm clock (kyle) comes bouncin into my room at 6:30 on the dot! He proceeds to start his morning routine of annoying me til I get out of bed! This usually consists of him hitting my face, pulling the covers off me, turning on and off the lights, and so on and so forth! By this time Cody is in my bed trying to love me but really its kinda just irritating me (in my defense it is 6:30 am)! After about 10 minutes of repeatedly getting my face swatted by Kyle..I yelled "Would you STOP IT?!" Cody then yelled at me "STOP yelling at my brother!!!" I had to laugh. What a great brother Code is going to be to Kyle! :) Made getting outta bed a lil easier that morning!

1 comment:

Jamie Sue said...

Awww, what a sweet brother! You sound like me in the morning--my kids are my alarm clock too, and then they come in a "snuggle" with me, and I finally get out of bed after they have asked me to feed them for the gillionth time. I am so not a morning person.