Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My sweet Cody....

Lately Cody has been trying my already low patience. He is the king of negotiating and trying to change the subject when he is getting into trouble. I tell him to eat 2 chicken nuggets before he can play outside and he rebuttles back with how about 1?

So the other day I was scolding him for something and he looked at me with a very puzzled look and right in the middle of me yelling at him says "Wait a second mom, did you change your hair?!" All I could do was laugh. The funniest part might be that I did indeed color my hair that day!!!!


Jamie Sue said...

haha, that is hilarious! Most guys would never notice that.

Jennifer P. said...

A very observant little guy :)!

Yes--praying for you too. It all works out in the end. I wish "the end" wasn't such a moving target, but I have faith :)