Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty!

Potty Training. Each month Kyle's team of therapist including me come up with programs and goals for him to meet. Last month when we met the "team leader" (the PC) was very insistant on getting Kyle potty trained. I honestly didn't care and didn't think he was ready (thats always my excuse :) He put it into Kyle's program. Once a week they take a full session and dedicate it to JUST potty training. Which means for 3 hours every 5-10 minutes we are struggling to get my giant autistic 5 year old on the pot!! Then the last hour of each session we are doing potty training. I hate this. I dread this. It is long and tiring. And ususally it results in NOTHING in the toliet.

I have been meaning to write about this for a while now....About a 2 weeks ago, Emily and I were doing potty training and had been struggling to get him on the the stinkin toliet then get him to STAY on the toliet. Finally we resorted to turning the TV on and angling it so he could see it. Not even 5 minutes on the toliet and I feel my leg getting wet!!!! Oh my gosh! He peed! More of it was on me than in the toliet but who cares, right?! My autistic son just got the concept after weeks of pure hell! So, 10 minutes later we got him on again...and he peed again! Holy crap! Emily and I were so excited jumping up and down! So the next day we thought piece of cake. Wrong.

So it's been two weeks of fighting and stuggling and me wanting to give up and the oh so patient therapist routing me and Kyle on as they set the timer, and nothing. Til yesterday. Des and I were both not too excited about potty training day but we did it anyway and the last time we put him on the potty...he went potty!!!! YAY! We high fived him, eachother, even Cody was excited!!

I have read a million and one articles on potty traing an autistic child and they all say the same thing...patience! So, that is what I am gonna TRY and have is patience. He has come a long way from being terrified of sitting on the toliet to now going potty in it so I am proud of him and will continue this hard work, cuz I know the reward is worth it!! So wish me (and Kyle..and Des..and Emily) Happy Potty Training! :)


Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

that is just sooo awesome!! just when it seems pointless our little guy Ky comes through! I can only imagine how hard it is to potty train kyle, it's hard potty training any kid. Keep up the good work, it WILL all be worth it! just think u may be outta diapers sooner than you think!

April Graves said...

Katie, I am grinning from ear to ear! Congrats!!!! How awesome!

Jamie Sue said...

That's AWESOME!! I'm so excited for you guys! Yay! Celebrate!