Friday, August 14, 2009

what happened mommy?

Leave it to Cody to boost his mom's self esteem through the roof. I am 27 years old and still get the occasional zit (usually its a once a month kinda thing...if u know what I mean). I hate them. They make me feel self conscious and un pretty. I try and cover it up using waaaay too much cover up and make it look worse in the end but I can't leave it bright red and pulsing, right?! Have I mentioned how much I hate zits?! My 3 year old, bless his lil innocent heart, (without fail) has to point it out EVERYtime I get one. He asks me in a sweet voice, while pointing to this abscess on my face, "Mommy is that an ouwee (spellling?) ???" To keep him from asking any more questions about this thing, I reply with a simple "Yes". He then begins to ask how I got it and what I "banged" it on? I mean, thank you Cody for pointing out the very thing I thought I hid so well with half that bottle of cover up!!!!!! And once again I hate zits and wish I would grow up and NOT have them anymore!


Unknown said...

I have four right now. FOUR! I used to NEVER get them! I'm at a loss and totally embarrassed!

Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

haha!! this really does suck!! i feel your pain. what the...? aren't we suppose to outgrow this?