Cody has had the same nasty binkie since we moved into this house, so almost 8 months. I didnt buy a new one with the intention of taking it away soon. Well, soon turned into 8 months before we knew it! The poor binkie this last month was on its last leg...the little ring thing that is on the front broke off...he still used it. It got a hole in it and I knew that was gonna do it...nope he still used it. Well, about a week ago Cody was using the restroom and in a sleepy slumber he dropped his binkie right outta his lil mouth and it landed right into the...YEP! I scooped it up and told him it was the end (actually I lied and told him we would go to the store and get a new one). He whined for only a few minutes the next 2 nights but now he is officially binkie free, and I have to admit...Im sad. This means my baby isnt a baby anymore..no bottle, no diapers, and now NO binkie. Time really does fly by, they grow up so fast! Im proud of my little Cody for kickin the habit but secretly I wanna go out and buy a new one for him....dont worry I wont!
The binkie on its last leg!

Haha, good work. I thought getting rid of the pacifier would be horrible. Sawyer at just a few months wouldn't take it anymore. I was kind of pissed but at the same time happy. I mean, what the Hell, at only a few months you think you are all mature??? I wanted to push that thing back into his mouth. Oh the sadness of letting go...
It's so sad when they grow up isn't it? I wish I could freeze my kids right where they are right now.
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