Most people are blogging these days about how much they LOVE summer. I HATE summer. And its not cuz its hot. Kyle has NO school. NO school for Kyle equals a very antsy Kyle and a very frustrated mommy. It's only been a week of summer and Im already trying to think of how Im going to survive (or better yet how Kyle is going to survive)! Since school let out 1 week ago, I have had to vacuum up more chips than you can imagine. Clean up spilled cherry limeade that he pulls outta the fridge by himself and tried to drink straight from the carton but more ends up on my kitchen floor than in his mouth. Catch him trying to flush toys and other objects other than you know what down the toliet. Clean sticks of butter off my walls, the tv and floor. and the list goes on. Its not like he picks one thing to do one day and saves another mess for the next day. These messes are created one after the other! Im ready for summer to be OVER!
One of the many summer messes Kyle has created...notice the piece of butter at the ceiling. I mean how did he even get it up there?!

Oh you poor girl, that is funny!
He is one talented kid! Good luck, I'll be praying for both of you to survive the summer! :D
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