Friday, May 1, 2009

One of those days....

Let me preface this post by stating how much I love my kids and even as much as I complain I can't imagine how boring my life would be without them!

Most days I am totally ok with the cards I have been dealt. More specifically, I'm ok with Kyle and the struggles and triumphs that we go through together. Because thats all I know. He has always been...Kyle. Well, I am only human and there are days that I think to myself...why me? (I know, what a selfish thing to say) What if he was typical? What would he be like? How much easier would my life be? I try and put things in perspective and think how truely lucky I am that I was entrusted with Kyle, but it certainly doesn't make it any easier on those days.


Unknown said...

Hey, check out

Mom to two sets of twins, one of the boys is autistic. I think you would like her!

Keep up the good work mamma!

April Graves said...

Katie, you are a real life super hero.