Thursday, February 11, 2010
Smooth Cody!
The other day at preschool Leah got out of the car all dressed up in festive Valentine-y clothes (just like her mama:)! She immediately ran over to Code and asked him if he liked her skirt, which was a shimmerey silver color. He looked her up and down then said, "Ya, I like it. It looks like my blankie". I couldn't stop laughing! Those 2 crack me up! :) The skirt did in deed look like his blankie!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
writer's block

Ok so I have sat down to my computer too many times this past month with the intent to blog....and have even started a few! But I get half way through it and re read it....They are boring and not funny, and I feel like I am not boring and kinda funny. So I delete the unfinished post and usually head over to facebook. Tonight I decided I am going to post a blog no matter what so it might not be funny and even boring but bare with me!! (I just read this over and ALMOST deleted this post)
I have lots of things I wanna blog about like how I took Kyle to the dentist for the 1st time. Yep I did it! It wasn't even that bad. There is even a semi funny story that goes along with it...maybe Ill blog about that soon! My car has been in and outta the shop now for 7 months. I want someone to steal it (and even had someone offer to help me at work...but I'm too honest or scared but I like to go with honest)! I even wrote a 4 page letter to GM about it...maybe that will be a blog in the near future too! In the's a sweet story or 2!
The other day Code and I took our weekly trip to Target. He asked me if we could just LOOK at the toys (ya right)! He promised up and down that he was just gonna look. So the nice mom that I am (or mom who didn't wanna argue with her 4 yr old) started down the toy isle. He immediately said "Mooooom not this one these toys are for babies....and Kyle!" I laughed and off we went to the train isle!
Last night Cody was taking a bath upstairs while I was downstairs picking up and about to vacuum (for the 4th time that day). Let me preface this by stating that from the moment Cody wakes up in the morning until the kid goes to bed he is talking! So he yells down to me (for the 2nd or 3rd time) "mommmmmmy?" I say in an exhausted tone "yes Cody?" He then says in the sweetest voice...."I love you mommy" It's moments like that, that make long days so worth it! :)
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