I wasn't sure if i was gonna blog about this horrible event that happened today but decided to after my brother requested that I do. So here it goes....
Jen and I painted Kyle's room last week with all 4 of our kids plus my nephew here. They played so good outside. We had little interruptions. We felt so awesome. So today we decided to tackle Cody's room, this time with only the younger 2 kids. Little cute Cody and Leah. We thought it was a great idea...if we could do this with 5 kids we could definitely bust this out with 2 kids!!!
The cute lil ones went outside and were playing on the trampoline. We went upstairs and started this project looking out the upstairs window to check on them periodically. We yelled out the window to make sure they were still alive and well. They responded so we went back to painting. Well, it was time for me to go pick Kyle up so I left. Not even 5 minutes later does my cell phone ring only to hear Jen on the other end say this, "you are never gonna believe what they did!"
Naturally my mind went straight to the paint...did they get into the paint? did they spill the paint? Oh no. Worse. Way worse. She began to explain to me what she stumbled upon when she went outside to check on our most adorable 4 year olds.
The kids were in the playhouse. Jen walked up and started sniffing, it smelled like poop. So she began to ask questions. Then she saw their hands. Then she saw their clothes. Poop was all over them. Leah immediately threw Cody under the bus. Cody decided to poop outside. Then had the really bright idea to bury the poop. Only while burying this poop they got it all over themselves.
I am hearing this on the phone and I think I may have thrown up in my mouth at least 3x. Gross. Why? What possessed my cute little Code do such a thing? When I got home I wanted to kill him (i didn't tho). We cleaned both kids up and explained to them that this is not ok. Cody kept telling me it was an accident and he was so sorry. I mean...why?
Today was a day, I'm not gonna lie, I was not so grateful that I was Cody's mom. I am so hoping my day is far less crappy tomorrow.