It's so funny the things kids pick up.....
The other day Cody was trying to get my attention. He wanted to show me something. He said, "Babe, look at the fan!" My 3 1/2 year old called me Babe!
This morning Cody asked who I was talking to on the phone. I answered "Jenny." and his reply was "Why do you talk to her so much?" haha little does he know, talking to her keeps me sane!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It could be worse...I could be Katie!
I find this to be kinda funny. If you know me then you know I really do laugh about things like this. If you don't know me really well, then take my word for it that I laugh A LOT of things off! I do think my life isn't the easiest but it sure as heck isn't the hardest either, I can think of much worse, I could be...!
Onto the story..........
My best friend Jen was talking with a mutual friend of ours that is going through a divorce. She has 2 little ones and is obviously having a rough time. Divorce is never easy and certainly when there are kids involved it makes it that much more difficult. I know this first hand! Well, Jen was asking how she was dealing with everything and her response went something to the effect of....Whenever I start to feel sorry for myself I think of Katie and how much worse off she has it!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Now don't get me wrong it makes me feel good to know people realize the hard work I put in on a day to day basis. BUT I didnt think I was the person that made other people look at there lives and think to themselves..."Well, it could be worse, I could be Katie!" Kinda makes me laugh that I'm that person...Let me tell ya guys as much as I complain I love my life, my kids, my friends, and my family! My life isn't THAT it??? :)
Onto the story..........
My best friend Jen was talking with a mutual friend of ours that is going through a divorce. She has 2 little ones and is obviously having a rough time. Divorce is never easy and certainly when there are kids involved it makes it that much more difficult. I know this first hand! Well, Jen was asking how she was dealing with everything and her response went something to the effect of....Whenever I start to feel sorry for myself I think of Katie and how much worse off she has it!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Now don't get me wrong it makes me feel good to know people realize the hard work I put in on a day to day basis. BUT I didnt think I was the person that made other people look at there lives and think to themselves..."Well, it could be worse, I could be Katie!" Kinda makes me laugh that I'm that person...Let me tell ya guys as much as I complain I love my life, my kids, my friends, and my family! My life isn't THAT it??? :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009

I do a lot of complaining about my sweet innocent giant 5 year old almost 6 year old autistic son. He makes messes upon messes not once a day but more like from the moment he wakes up til he is snoozin in his bed at night! But I love him more than anything and wouldnt trade this boy for anything (I would trade some of his messes tho)! Since most of the time Im sharing the not so fun things he does I thought I'd share the progress he has made in just the last few months. I'm so proud of Kyle and all he has accomplished and his continued hard work.
He gets on the bus now with no problem (I used to have to carry him from the house to the bus which was no easy task) at 7:30am. He is in school working very hard with an amazing teacher and 3 aides who care so much for him until 2:30! He has made HUGE improvements there. Ms. Kim came out with a huge smile one afternoon and was so excited to tell me how Kyle tried marshallows and raisins that day (he of course had a trash can right beside him to throw it out after every bite, but anyone who knows Kyle knows thats a HUGE improvement)! She even took video to show me! I know his improvements have a great deal to do with these great people who are teaching my son and care for him as much as I do!
After school he gets a half hour then starts ABA (an intense therapy that has been proven to help autistic kids) from 3-6 everyday! I look back at when he first started and I get teary eyed at what he can do now! His tantruming has faded his understanding and compliance has made a huge turn around! He can touch most of his body parts. He comes when you ask him (most of the time, but what typical kids listens all the time?)! His communication is awesome...he even said BREAK when he needed a break! The girls that work with him are so patient and get so excited when he does something new! Kyle is doing awesome and improves more and more everyday!
Kyle is a huge blessing in my life and I too often complain about the hard parts of having Kyle. I am so proud to be his mom and grateful for all he teaches me. I look forward to more progress because I know he can do it! I love you buddy!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Check twice before pressing SEND!
Today something pretty funny happened. At least I think it was funny. To a certain someone it may not have been too funny. My phone notified me of a text and 2 seconds later notified me of another. I checked it not expecting what I found and who I found it from! :)
It read: I love you baby ;) Thx for the shower lovin!!
The next one read: Crap! I'm sorry Katie that was inappropriate and not on purpose..ur text was the last one up. I'm so embarrassed.
All I could do was laugh! This made my day that he would be so dumb as to send me this text! I cant imagine how mortified he was not to mention how embarrassed she is!!! Hahaha
Soooo...Lesson in text messaging, Check to make sure you are sending a message about shower lovin you received to your WIFE not EX WIFE! hahaha! Another great moment brought to you by my ex!
It read: I love you baby ;) Thx for the shower lovin!!
The next one read: Crap! I'm sorry Katie that was inappropriate and not on purpose..ur text was the last one up. I'm so embarrassed.
All I could do was laugh! This made my day that he would be so dumb as to send me this text! I cant imagine how mortified he was not to mention how embarrassed she is!!! Hahaha
Soooo...Lesson in text messaging, Check to make sure you are sending a message about shower lovin you received to your WIFE not EX WIFE! hahaha! Another great moment brought to you by my ex!
Monday, September 7, 2009
She's Got A Way....
One of my favorite songs is She's Got A Way by Billy Joel. I love the words, they're so pretty. Cody just started to show intrest in music and will voice in the car if he likes a song or will tell me to turn off a song if he doesn't care for a song. He has pretty good taste so far! The last few times I have put on good ol Billy Joel, Cody wants me to play it over and over and over again! Basically I wait til we are near our destination before I put it on, otherwise we have to hear it 18x. He LOVES it.
The other day I was driving to drop Cody off at Jen's and he requested it! He asked me to put that song on that he loves. So, I put it on, and I started singin along. Cody asked, "mom, what is that guy talking about?" I started explaining to my almost 4 year old about what the song meant. Basically that this guy loves his wife very much and she makes him very happy. I turn my head and he looked a little confused. Then he asked, "Then she got away?" I laughed and tried to explain the best I could. Then told him that he should dedicate this song to his mom...he said ok, so maybe someday! :)
The other day I was driving to drop Cody off at Jen's and he requested it! He asked me to put that song on that he loves. So, I put it on, and I started singin along. Cody asked, "mom, what is that guy talking about?" I started explaining to my almost 4 year old about what the song meant. Basically that this guy loves his wife very much and she makes him very happy. I turn my head and he looked a little confused. Then he asked, "Then she got away?" I laughed and tried to explain the best I could. Then told him that he should dedicate this song to his mom...he said ok, so maybe someday! :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Who gets the friends?
Ive been wanting to write about this subject for a while now but for some reason or another I havent! Probably because it is more of one of my rants rather than a well thought out, well written blog post! But thats ok cuz its my blog, right?!
So I will pose this question to all of you...In a divorce (where clearly the couple parts hating eachother and it ends up being a "messy divorce"...basically Im talking about me and Mike) is it possible to keep mutual friends???
I have had a really hard time with this. Mainly because I don't think its possible. How can you be friends with a man who did what Mike did to his wife and kids and still be friends with the woman he did this to? How can you look me in the eyes and tell me what a jerk he is and then leave facebook or myspace comments for him asking how he is doing and how great he and his new wifey look?! I just don't get it. I feel like you either think he is a jerk or you don't! I think loyalty is a huge part of friendship of any kind, and when people are "friends" with both Mike and I I feel betrayed by that person, and if I can be totally honest I really dont consider them a friend to me. How can I?
I am not looking to keep all the friends. Im not even looking for people to be on my side....I am just wanting people to decide who they wanna be friends with, because I am tired of getting people who ask how Im doing, tell me what an idiot my ex is when they see me. Then do the same thing to him! If you don't think what he did was awful then don't lie to me. I feel like sides need to be chosen and then have some loyalty people!
Now, maybe I'm just being the emotional woman that I so often am (especially when it comes to the subject of my divorce), but am I wrong for feeling like people should take a side and have loyalty in divorce????
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