Ok...so i know this whole blogging thing is usually about happy stories or funny stories or proud moments that happen in your kids life...but some days I just wanna quit bein a mom! I know you all probably think I'm horrible but at least I'm honest...Let me tell you about my day then you tell me if you would wanna quit too!
5:54am (yes am NOT pm) Cody comes into my room crying because he cant find his 'binkie'. I know I know he shouldn't even have a binkie at almost 3 but I dont care, a battle I choose to fight...later!
6am (again am NOT pm) Kyle comes into my room with a HUGE grin and a giggle as he swats my face and pulls my covers off me....this is all followed by Cody yelling at him "stop it Kyle!" It gets better Kyle then goes and turns on the light...yes turns on the freakin light at 6am! Probably the worst EVER!
6:30am I finally get frustrated enough with the hitting of my face and Cody scolding his brother, and roll outta bed annoyed. Turn on sesame street only to be yelled at that! Cody wants the Grinch not this show! I mean come on kids its 6:35 can I get a break?! NO!
6:40am Hop in shower....awwww "MOOOOOOOMmmy Kyle hurt me"! I cant even take a shower for 10 minutes without interruption!
7:30am After many interruptions I myself am ready now I have to get my giant 5 yr old dressed who lays there dead weight no help at all! Takes me at least 10 minutes to get him ready! Meanwhile Cody had managed to dump half his cereal all over the table and is a sticky mess!
7:45am I struggle and argue with my 3 yr old to get dressed
8am Out the door...now its the next fight ...getting into the car! Kyle is really good at this...cody not so much! A sucker and a threat of a spankin and we are good to go....
8:15 arrive at Kyles packed school...try and open his door which he is holding shut! After a big pull I get it open..only to struggle to get my 70 llb 5 year old autistic kid outta the car. It takes a good 5 min. I pick him up (no idea how he is wailing his arms and throwing himself backwards...all this with a grin)!! I only have to walk a short distance thank goodness! I meet his teacher and gladly hand him off to her who struggles with him for who knows how long! I mean does he realize that this is so unnecessary? Not to mention annoying?! I think he does and thats why he does it...smart bugger.
8:25am Leave for daycare and hear Cody point out every trash truck and cry as soon as we pass them...then ask where we are going about a hundred times and say "no!" a hundred and one times!
Do you see where I'm comin from yet...its not even 9 am yet!
8:50am arrive at work, my time yay!
2:15pm (yay we are to pm) Pick Kyle up...this is much easier. He walks nicely to the car gets into the car only to start whining immediately because he finds an empty juice box and wants more! Im turning the music up as loud as I can stand it at this point!
2:30pm pick cody up from daycare...as soon as I shut the door to walk up to get cody Kyle is screaming...and throwing things etc...get cody in the car only to have kyle chuck a wisk at cody....now cody is crying which sets Kyle off! OMG!
2:40pm Homeward bound....PINK is blaring kids are screaming....I heart being a mom!
2:55pm HOME Immediately the 'I wants' begin..'i want chips' i want juice' i want the grinch' etc etc etc!!
5pm Kyle takes a bath...cody comes up the stairs crying (no nap today...not really sure yet what is better no nap=early bed but cranky or nap=late bed but not cranky...tough)..'i wanna take a bath' *whining* But he only wants to take a bath if Kyle is out! OMG again
6:30pm BEDTIME!! I know you say thats early but i say its perfect! If you dont want me to quit 6:30 is perfect! So after brushing teeth (of course not w/o arguing with my 3 yr old) and 2 chocolate milk cups (ya i know why do i even brush their teeth...well it makes me feel less guilty i guess) we are up the stairs and in bed! Cody in his Thomas bed goes right to bed! YAY! Kyle...well another story. I lay next to him. Easy you say?! No I say... he is playing with my hair until he is completely asleep-and i dont mean the relaxing kind that nice, oh no! The kind that hurts and after 5 minutes of pain I wanna punch him(for the record i dont ever punch him just want to sometimes :)
7pm awwww asleep!
Some days I just wanna quit...Will it be worth it someday? They say it will...I guess Kyles sideways grin and cody's giggle make it worth it! So until tomorrow when I wanna quit again, I guess I'll keep my job! :)